Phone: 972-972-4700 | Toll Free: 866-306-3046 | Fax: 469-907-1197

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Beaker Pharmacy
Beaker Pharmacy
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Veterinary Compounding Pharmacy

A veterinary compounding pharmacy treats all kinds of furry friends including: dogs, cats, birds, ferrets, rabbits, horses, snakes, rats and even animals in zoos and aquariums.

Solution: Transdermal Medication, Capsules, Suspensions

We know and understand that pets are members of your family. We know that you want them to receive the highest quality vet pharmacy care they can, therefore we will provide them the highest quality medication and care we can.

Some animals can be difficult to treat with traditional medications. We want to make it easy for you. As a veterinary compounding pharmacy, we will do our best to make their medication in a flavor or dosage form that makes it easy for them to take and effortless for you to administer.

Cats don’t like pills, but they love tuna or salmon. Dogs don’t always appreciate the flavor of traditional medicine, but seem to love peanut butter, chicken or liver. Birds are grateful for fruit flavored medicine in small, concentrated volumes, rather than larger volumes and flavors of traditional prescriptions.

We realize animals are individuals and want your opinion regarding their likes and dislikes. We know one size doesn’t fit all and that applies to our furry friends as well. We are happy to work with your veterinarian to tailor the strength, dosage form and flavor to meet your specific pet drug needs.

Conveniently Located at: 7810 Eldorado Parkway Suite 200. McKinney, TX 75070 | Phone: 972-972-4700 | Toll Free: 866-306-3046

Beaker Pharmacy & Compounding


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